
Darq:CompleteEditionisasolidpuzzlegamewithafamiliarlookandanadequatechallenge.Theinclusionoftwopuzzle-heavyadditionallevelshelpaffirm ...,2023年3月24日—Thisgameisgreat,withminimalornonegatives.DARQ:UltimateEditionstandsoutwithgreatvisualandaudiodesign,immersingyouwithinits ...,2019年8月14日—ButbrevityisoneofDarq'sstrengths.It'sshort,sweet,andloadedwithlittlequirksanddetailsscatteredthroughoutt...


Darq: Complete Edition is a solid puzzle game with a familiar look and an adequate challenge. The inclusion of two puzzle-heavy additional levels help affirm ...


2023年3月24日 — This game is great, with minimal or no negatives. DARQ: Ultimate Edition stands out with great visual and audio design, immersing you within its ...

Darq Review

2019年8月14日 — But brevity is one of Darq's strengths. It's short, sweet, and loaded with little quirks and details scattered throughout that you might not ...


DARQ: Ultimate Edition stands out with great visual and audio design, immersing you within its nightmarish dream world without needing to say a single word.


Latest Critic Reviews ... Charming and twisted, DARQ is a fantastic and immersive experience that doesn't overstay its welcome. ... DARQ's rich atmosphere and ...